田中未知・高松次郎|Michi Tanaka / Jiro Takamatsu

The Language Instrument, Parole Singer, 1974 The Language Instrument, Parole Singer, 1974
Photo: Norihiro Ueno
Installation view from "Tokyo Art Meeting
Art & Music-Search for new Synesthesia",
Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Japan
田中未知・高松次郎|Michi Tanaka / Jiro Takamatsu 
田中未知|Michi Tanaka
Born in 1945, she lives in the Netherlands. She was a member of the 'Tenjo Sajiki', an experimental theater group, responsible for production and lighting, while also serving as Shuji Terayama's secretary and manager. In addition, she was active as a composer, instrument maker, and experimental filmmaker, composing Sometimes Like a MotherlessChild(1968),andholdingtheFantasy Instruments exhibition (Garo Gallery, 1974), directing    the movie, Catalogue of Memory (Starring Shuji Terayama, 1977), etc..  After Terayama's death she devoted herself to the screening of his films, such as Grass Labyrinth or Farewell to the Ark, which were problematic to show, and also produced the exhibition, Terayama World (Seibu Department Store, Shibuya, 1986). Her main published works are Questions (Shitsumonsha,1977) and Living with Shuji Terayama, (Shinshokan, 2007), etc.
高松次郎|Jiro Takamatsu
1936年生まれ。1958年、第10回読売アンデパンダン展に初出品。以後、「影」、「遠近法」、「複合体」、「形」等の題材をシリーズとした、コンセプチュアル・アートを展開。1963年、赤瀬川原平、中西夏之と前衛芸術家グループ「ハイレッド・    センター」を結成し、東京都内各地で「ハプニング」と呼ばれるパフォーマンスを  行う。主な展覧会に、第34回ヴェネツィア・ビエンナーレ(1968年、カルロ・カルダッツォ賞受賞)、第6回ドクメンタ(カッセル、ドイツ、1977年)等がある。1998年死去。
Born in Tokyo, 1936. In 1958 he participated in the 10th Yomiuri Independent Exhibition, then subsequently developed several series of conceptual art, including, Shadow, Perspective, Complex, Shape, etc. In 1963 he formed the 'Hi Red Center' avant-garde art group together with Genpei Akasegawa and Natsuyuki Nakanishi, carrying out performances they called 'Happenings' at various places around Tokyo. His main exhibitions include 34th Venice Biennale (1968, awarded the Carlo Cardazzo Prize), and 6th dOCUMENTA (Kassel, Germany, 1977), etc. He died in 1998.