
ABCDF Exhibition: Portraits of Mexico City

With the support of Mexico’s National Council for the Arts (CONACULTA), the Embassy of Mexico presents ABCDF, a graphic dictionary of Mexico City curated by Jeronimo Hagerman and Cristina Faesler. Gathering the work of 250 artists, ABCDF poetically displays the unique ways in which city dwellers have learned to coexist with one of the largest cities of the world. As a vivid context to Francis Alÿs adopted hometown, this exhibition reveals the humor, sarcasm and fun behind unseen aspects of Mexican life. Previous venues include Moscow, Warsaw, New York, Washington and Paris.


Period: April 6 (Sat) - June 9 (Sun), 2013
Closed: Mondays
Opening Hours: 10:00-18:00
Admission: Free
